Monday, January 19, 2009

This video is my final product of my personal project. I finished it during the holidays of this new year (2009) in Taiwan.This video is about recommendating people have to respect aseismic design to prevent the damages caused from earthquakes. In this video, there are two models, the one is with no any aseismic design and the other one is with all the aseismic design I learned during this project. The result is the second model which with aseismic design do not break down when the earthquake (made by earthquake-maker I made) happened. In the other hand, the first model with no any aseismic design broke dwon suddenly when the earthquake happened. Therefore, I wanna use this result to show how the dangerous of the consequence made by earthquake is if people ignore the importantness of asesismic design. a... yap, and that's what the point is in my personal project.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Meeting with supervisor

Today, Imet my supervisor at this afternoon. I report my product to her, and my plan which is I decide to bring my product home during this holidays and finish my video and structure writing.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The building with aseismic design

I started from yesterday that I made a building with all the asesmic designs I learned. The building is as pictures below:

Monday, November 10, 2008

The building with no any aseismic design

Today I build a building with no any asesimic designs in order to compare another building which will be built next time which all aseismic designs I learned as pictures below:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

start my product

I started my product today:
I did the base first which is machine to produce the shaking for building as pictures below:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Final research about aseismic building (1)

Thd book is "Design for Earthquakes" done by John wildy & Sons, Inc. since 1999.

I found this information from Singapore National Library two weeks ago.

I record this by hand writing because it was found from references library in SNL.

Final research of information (2)

Last week was a short tern holidays. So, I took pictures from building in Taiwan.

Also, I found pictures about building in Japan that built as same techniques a pictures above.

Final research of information (3)

Last week was a short term holidays that I went back to Taiwan. So, I took pictures about asesismic building from airport.

From airport:

Monday, September 29, 2008

Final proposal

Today, I finished my final proposal and had a meeting that required my supervisor to sign for me.

An Inquiry into:
How to design aseismic buildings to prevent the damages of earthquake?

Focus Areas of Interaction:
Approaches to learning you will use: Through this area, I can learn how to articulate, organize, and have responsibility for myself from this personal project because I approach to learning by finding new information.

Human Ingenuity:
This area refers to how we create objects and learn its consequences. Moreover, this area is related to science, aesthetics, and technology and therefore, I can appreciate the human capacity to invent, create and improve skills from my product.

Goal(Write key questions that you would like to answer by the end of your project):
What’s earthquake?
How do earthquakes work?
What are the asesmic techniques do people use nowadays?
Why asesmic techniques are important for human lives?

How you could achieve the above goals:
I will search the information about earthquakes and aseismic techniques from the internet in order to support my product firstly. And then find the information from books to relate into my product. My product is going to be a video which is about experimenting different aseismic design models with different magnitudes of earthquakes. In the end, I’m going to discuss and analyze my aseismic design of my product.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Meeting with my supervisor

Today, I had a meeting with my supervisor, Ms. Lee! We talked about how to improve my personal project. In the process, she expect me to seach more information from books not only get the information from internet. We also talked about my timeline and proposal! Before 30th Sep. I need to fix my timeline and proposal. Then send her my files by e-mail.

Now, I'm doing seach the information from the books and gathering my materials of experiment.

On 20th Oct., I plan a new meeting with my supervisor discuss more about my personal project.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Example3 of aseismic design-(orinda frame)

I got this video from TippingMar.


The next step ~

Basically, I made a simaple timeline for this project below.

First week of September-search information about earthqakes and aseismic design.
Second week of September-design the experiment
Third week of September-get materials and make models
Final week of September-think how to do the experiment into video and try to realize it

Therefore, the next step is that I want to start to design the aseismic building. First, I will use the information now I got to design the building.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

2nd Example of aseismic techniques around our lives

Earthquakes are happen everywhere, it's not only happened in Japan. Therefore, different regions have different aseismic techniques.

For example, there is a special aseismic design in Taiwan. People in Taiwan use the technology of partition which is a method to disperse the energy of earthquake. Basically, partition technology are used between walls and pillar in oreder to reduce the energy of earthqake and increase the tractility of walls and pillar.

Also, the use of partition is not only for prevent the damage of earthquake, but also can be flameproof wall and soundproof wall. In fact, it's really convenient for construction activity.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1st Example of aseismic techniques around our lives.

Earthquakes are happend on the regions where over the boundaries of plates so basically we can find aseismic techniques in those countries where over the boundaries of plates such as Japan, Taiwan, Philippines and Indonesia.
We can find aseismic techniques made by those three basic ideas such as Isolated design, Endurant design, Reduced design. For example, we can find people in Japan use thin steel bars to build house because thin steel bars no need to weld by welder, therefore, there are no rough weld point around which easy to be breaken. Also, there are no big piller around those building because they only use special screw and wood and small distance between earch pilers. Thus,that are enough to prevent earthquake.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Aseismatic Technology

There are lots of aseismatic Technology to prevent the damages of earthquakes. The basic ideas of building are that build the building in simple form such as square or rectangle and have nice design of building with good materials.

Aseismatic Technology are divided into three basic ideas, isolated design, endurant design and reduced design.

Isolated design refers to separate building and foundation in order to prevent the energy of earquake impact the building directly.

Endurant design are most popular built in the world. Endurant design foucs on the toughness such as build pillar in order to prevent the walls hit each other directly.

Reduced design refers to absorb energy of earthquake to let the magnitude of earthquake in building are smaller than the magnitude of earthquake outside of building.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Impacts of Earthquake

There are many effects when earthquakes happen. Generally, when earthquakes happen, there may appear land shaking and ground rupture. Both of land shaking and ground rupture also affect more impacts such as landslides, avalanches, fire, tsunami, and floods.

Land shaking & ground rupture
Because land is conected with plate, therefore, when earthquakes happen which means the plate shaking with land. If there are stronger earthquakes, the ground may break become rupture.

Landslides & Avalanches
Because the ground of mountains start to shake when earthquakes happen which cause mountains cannot hold soils, therefore, soil suddenly slide from the top of mounains.

Following the earthquakes, fires can be generated by damages of factories, electricities or break of gas lines.

When earthquakes happen which cause the wavelength of sea become longer, therefore, the waves turn into destructive waves with more power. Usually, when tsnami happens, it can travle 600-800 kilometers per hour and destroy all the things immediatly.

Food are overflow of rivers when earthquakes happen cause the boundaries of rivers break.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

What regions have more earthquakes?

Because energy released when hit of convention moving in asthenosphere.

That causes plates move, therefore, we can feel earthquakes.

By the way, energy usually come out at the place where are the boundary of plates because there are the crevice can let energy come out only.

Therefore, the regions where located on the boundary of plates have more earthquakes.
For example, the countries located on the boundary of Pacific Ocean Plate just like Japan, Taiwan, Philippines and Indonesia


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How does Earthquake work?

Basically, the earthquake is the result of energy released immediately when the hit of convention moving in the asthenosphere. Therefore, the plates are move at the region where the energy release. Thus, we can feel earthquakes.

Originally, there are three types of plate movement in the earthquakes. According to the direction of plate movement, they are Normal, Thrust, Strike-slip.

Normal earthquake works in a plate movement of normal condition.
That means both of two plantes allow the gravitation
to move on fault plane.

Thrust earthquake is different from Normal earthquake. It works in a unnatrual way which means both of plates don't allow the gravitation to move on fault plane. Therefore, thrust earthquakes need more energy than normal earthqake to happen and thrust earthquake usually makes more seriously consequence than normal earthquake.

Strike-slip earthquake are different from Normal and Thrust. Strike-slip earthquake works in a horizontal line. One plate moves forward but the other plate moves backward.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What is Earthquake?

I search some information about what is Earthquake today? I did this search because I have to know what is Earthquake and how does it be made in order to make a good aseismic building.

The earthquake is the result of energy released immediately when the hit of convention moving in the asthenosphere. Basically, there are earthquakes happened everyday around the world.

Charles Richter invented the Richter magnitude for the levels of earthquake because each earthquake has different magnitude. Therefore, we don’t feel the earthquakes often even there are more than 9000 earthquakes are happened around the world every day.

Basically, this is an simple introduction of "What is Earthquake?"


Thursday, August 28, 2008

My plane~!!

In my plan, I decided to make a good personal project which will involve a video and models for my topic "How to design an aseismic building in order to prevent damage from earthquake?"

First, I will search for information about how earthquakes happen and make an introduction for my personal project.

Then I will do more research about what countries have more earthquakes and learn what techniques of aseismic design they use. Also I will compare the designs with some comment.

After that I will start to make the models of different aseismic designs. Then I will do an experiment to test those models with different levels of earquakes and video it. At the end, I could get a conclusion about how to design a perfect asiesmic building and reach the target of my project.

Basically, they are my plans of this project. Now, I decide to start this plan when I meet my supervisor of this project and then I will ask my supervisor to check my plans and help me with this project.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My topic

My topic is "How to design an aseismic building in order to prevent the earthquake?" Actually, at the beginning of this program, I was so curious about all the topics therefore I chose so many topics and changed them all the time. For example, I chose some topics that such as How to play the badminton with the opposite hand?, Was time invented or found? and Were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon true?

But in the end I chose this topic about the earthquake because I think it belong to Human Ingenuity AOI(Area Of Interaction) which can let me improve my quality of life because I can learn how to make it from science, technology and human skills.

I got the idea for this topic when I slept and thought about the earthquake in Sichuan. Overtime, I just decided on it!